Hiring and Recruitment Mistakes 2

Misleading Ads

In a hiring challenge course with Matt Gillogly CEO-Mentor-Investor of Practice Profit System podcast we identified some key mistakes people make when hiring. Here’s the next one:

We had a client who had a new role they wanted to fill, and they thought it would be about 70% client interactions and 30% admin. We found an amazing candidate who took the job and who the client loved.

Unfortunately, the candidate left after just three months. The reason was that the role was only 30% client interactions. The bit the candidate loved was the client interactions. It wasn’t anyone’s fault; they’d made their best guess at how it would pan out and got it wrong.

Making the job look good

You naturally want to make the job sound great, so you hype up some parts of the role and minimise others.

The down side of this is that, when a candidate takes the job and discovers it isn’t what was advertised, they are disappointed at best. This is one of the reasons so many people leave their job in the first year (70% of candidates do this, many in the first 90 days).

One of the difficulties is that we tend to write the ad to appeal to someone like ourselves, forgetting others have different tastes.

I learned this lesson many years ago when I was Manufacturing Director of an electronics company. I was keen that everyone enjoyed their jobs, so I asked some of the staff what they thought of their jobs. One woman, Margaret, was doing what I thought was a particularly boring job. Her whole day was spent putting the same 25 components into hundreds of printed circuit boards.

She said it was her favourite job in the whole factory. I did not believe her. I asked her why. She pointed to another job and said that would be too boring as you were sat on your own putting just 10 components into very small simple boards. I agreed.

She pointed to the prototyping job (the job I would have wanted if I had worked on the shop floor). She said she would hate to do that because she’d be too worried about making a mistake because each board was different, and you had to work from the engineering drawings. I could see her point.

She said that she particularly loved her job because it was varied enough to be interesting, but she could still enjoy herself, talking to her friends all day and listening to the radio. That made complete sense.

Then she turned to me, with a look of pity in her eyes and said: “But it must be awful doing your job because every time something goes wrong, everyone thinks it’s your fault.”  I was astonished; I loved that job.

What to do

Be as clear as you can about what the role involves, including the parts you think may not be attractive to candidates.

Be factual and clear. If the job involves populating 200 printed circuit boards a day, say so. If it includes doing the washing up and cleaning the rest rooms, make sure you include that too.

If the role involves the candidate being responsible if things go wrong, you need to make sure that’s clear as well.

Strangely, there are usually people who enjoy all those aspects. They are the candidates you are looking for.

Common Hiring and Recruitment Mistakes and What To Do Instead

I’m running a hiring challenge course with Matt Gillogly of Practice Profit System at the moment for the people in his Steel Mill Group.

One of the top issues, even for people in a top-flight coaching group is hiring.

We decided to start the course with a summary of some of the worst hiring mistakes you can make. Here they are:

  • Using resumes and CVs to filter candidates
  • Misleading advertisements
  • “Fluff” in the ads
  • Not being clear about what you need
  • No system for reviewing and filtering candidates
  • Not getting back to good candidates quickly enough
  • Offering candidates a package that was less than advertised

These are all mistakes I have seen clients make, and I have made many myself too (except for the last one).

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be explaining why these are mistakes, the impact they have, and what to do instead.

Using resumes and CVs to filter candidates

Almost every client we’ve ever worked with has done this. It’s what most people do when candidates apply.

So why is it such a bad idea?

Level Playing Field

Firstly, when you are making decisions on whether to move a candidate forward you  need to be using a level playing field. Resumes are not a level playing field. Some people have excellent writing skills and are able to create a compelling resume or CV. This does not mean that they can do the job.

Worse, there are those who do a fantastic job but have a very low level of skill when it comes to putting together a resume.

This means you have probably wasted your time interviewing some candidates who you should have rejected much earlier on. Far worse, you have probably missed some excellent candidates.

Not written by the candidate

Many candidates use a service to write their resumes for them. So, if you get a good feeling about a candidate because of the way the resume is written, you may be completely misjudging the candidate’s skills.

One size fits all

It’s highly likely that your candidates use the same resume or CV to apply for many jobs. This means it is not tailored at all to your requirements.

I once worked with a client on their resume. Though this person was brilliant in the role, their skill level when it came to his resume was rock bottom. The original CV included an impenetrable paragraph with a series of technical details about mainframes, systems and processes. When I asked what it was about, the explanation still wasn’t much help. Then I asked what the benefit was to the employer (a huge company you have heard of), they told me that it resulted in a saving of £6m ($7.5m).

I asked for more details, and it turned out that this figure was annual savings. So, at that stage my client had saved his company $75m. But it wasn’t on the resume.

Unreliable information

Not all the information in resumes is accurate or up to date. One client found that 75% of the information on her successful candidate’s resume was not true (this was after they found out that their new employee wasn’t very good at the job). I’m sure it’s not that bad on most resumes, but it’s worth bearing in mind.

What to do instead

Use a short application form to gather key information or at the very least add some dealbreaker questions to your advertisement.

Quite a few candidates will be put off by this, but they will generally be the ones who didn’t have the skills and experience you needed.

To talk to us about your hiring needs, just book a call here: